I see you.
First I will explain it again in case you don’t know. This is my half sister that for some reason thinks she’s owed RESPECT and when she thought she wasn’t getting it she manipulated my dad and then came up…

Biggest Liar Ever
Wanted me to lie about our dad and told my 13 year old brother he should smoke pot on this day: Starting with Magic Mountain. Tiffany brought me into a bathroom and no one else was in there ….

LoL and Crap
Hey Stupid! The Idiot Lady at HSA showed me enough of this bitch’s statements to the cops that I know to a 100% Certainty that Tiffany is a Liar and made up the whole story just to get back at…

The Worst Day Ever
May 22, 1989 was the worst day ever… You were born. I Hate You A list of other people that hate you: Mom Dad Mom’s Husband Our Step Mom My #1 Brother My Little Sister My Littlest Brother Grandma &…